Olympic Quest 2014

Olympic Quest 2014
Olympic Quest 2014 Pretrip Photo

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 16th Part 2

The day finally came; we got to go skiing in the mountains of Norway! I know many of us had been anticipating this day since we left on our trip. It started off in typical fashion of something going wrong. We missed the bus that was supposed to come to the hotel so we had to walk down the hill to catch the bus at the station an hour later. We eventually made it to the hill and everyone was very anxious to get going. The large group we had seemed to separate pretty quickly and on the second run down me and a couple others decided to go off the beaten trail and forge a path through an unregulated (non-groomed) part of the hill. We almost made it through the knee-deep snow when Neil took a tumble and hurt his shoulder. This was very frustrating. First, it took a while before we could get a medic to look at Neil and then they had no system in place to get him down the hill and to the hospital. He ended up taking a taxi and was only diagnosed with a sprained ligament. So what could have been a lot worse turned out to be okay. The rest of the day went relatively smoothly and speaking for myself, this was probably the coolest thing I have ever done! At the top of the mountain you could hardly see 100 ft. in front of you the snow was coming down so hard! There were spots where all you could see was the tops of the trees because the snow was so high! It snowed all day without lightening up which was awesome for skiing but made it difficult to take any good pictures. We all had a blast and wanted more time on the hill but how sore we all were I don’t think we could have stayed out there any longer! All in all it was a great day and I think it left most of us wanting more. That was the best skiing I have encountered thus far in my life and I can’t even imagine such a place exists!

Cameron C.

Neil at the hospital in Lillehammer:

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